Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Mud fights

The new CEO arrived in January.

I'm not sure what he looks like. But we got two messages so far.

The first was to inform us there's been a disaster in Japan this year. And we could all donate. He's a good guy. And also informed.

The second is the new structure. Bob takes the job of Rob. John moves to Bob's old place. The business units will be renamed. It's been said that Bob didn't take things well. Let's just hope that Mario doesn't become our boss. Mario never liked Albert so it's likely that Albert needs to be moved away. We invent a new business unit just for him. Can't fire him. We're good.

Such is the inevitable fate of a company surviving with 'non free market loans'. The government is on our side. They are fair.

Meanwhile no new enterprise gets a chance to start. Give it one year and we tax you to death. That's will teach them capitalists a lesson.

Meanwhile the unions ask for a payraise. We have the government on our side. They are fair.

But I'm happy. Happy because we don't live in a free country. One of those where people are expoited by those who aim for profit. For results. Who illude themselves to be god.

Meanwhile I'm getting ready for the next mud fight. Sorry. Meeting.

Mud is the new color of integrity this season.

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