If I had the ear of the Palestinian rulers, I would say 'Pay attention. You are being used.
Today another Israeli airstrike killed just one man, the man they were aiming for.
This can only happen in an unopposed combat environment.
Who are your friends? Syria? Iran? They give you the means to fight using crude surface to surface rockets and light arms.
But the Israelis are not challenged when it comes to the air.
If these regimes cared at all, you would have hundreds of shoulder-launched missiles by now. But you don't.
And that is because they have no interest in Israel, except in order to generate bad publicity and act as a counterbalance, a distraction for the world from their own hideous crimes.
They are using you.
Iran and Syria are sacrificing the Palestinians like lambs, for the sake of staining the water and fogging the air.
If I were you, I would stand up for my people. I would go on strike, and refuse to allow them to be fed into a slaughter-house for the purpose of cynical propaganda manipulations.
I would instead of hate, sell the dream of peace, prosperity and trade with the Israelis.
You have nothing to lose, true. But if you dream of gaining Israel for yourselves, you will be thinking of creating a 7 million strong army of people who hate like you, fight like you and are as determined as you - against you.
The world has seen the insanity of Nazism, and united in 30 million deaths to destroy it.
Do not imagine for a minute that you would be able to repeat this. The world will never allow it.
So stop behaving like children. You have a place to live. You have a world to build.
That requires men.
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
The Bloody Bastards Conspiracy.
The BBC keeps on referring to murdering Syrian government thugs as 'Security Forces'.
What the bloody hell? Are they trying, seriously, to whitewash blue murder, and think nobody will notice?
It's like watching a parish council meeting where somebody who denies all change is mounting a filibuster of incredible, bare-faced mendacity in order to pursue some sick illusion of what we deserve.
And if we don't want to play their game?
They think we deserve prison.
What the bloody hell? Are they trying, seriously, to whitewash blue murder, and think nobody will notice?
It's like watching a parish council meeting where somebody who denies all change is mounting a filibuster of incredible, bare-faced mendacity in order to pursue some sick illusion of what we deserve.
And if we don't want to play their game?
They think we deserve prison.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Latest Attempt.
The thing about living in Britain; any small victory, any small happiness, anything good happens to you, and they go straight to megadeath.
They aren't fussed with put-downs or raining on your parade.
The British just try to kill you stone dead the first chance they get.
For example, I went to Tesco to buy a sweater, and I found one for £8, a real beaut.
It got better.
The value of my tokens(accrued from regular shopping) was - £8!
So I got a lovely sweater for nothing.
Driving home, feeling happy(!), I was very careful, I stuck to all the speed limits, courteously and carefully.
Then the instant reaction cut in; some person in a crappy little car pulled out when I was doing 50 on the way to 60 in a 60 zone. Didn't look. Just jolly well claimed the right of way.
I was in fifth, and hoped that momentum would carry me by when I went round and overtook.
But no!
Spastic features saw me and floored it approaching a bend.
Nearly went head on into oncoming traffic.
Squeezed by.
But never forget that England is full of ruptured little fucks that try to kill you on a whim, for whatever reason their abortion of a take on life will justify.
They aren't fussed with put-downs or raining on your parade.
The British just try to kill you stone dead the first chance they get.
For example, I went to Tesco to buy a sweater, and I found one for £8, a real beaut.
It got better.
The value of my tokens(accrued from regular shopping) was - £8!
So I got a lovely sweater for nothing.
Driving home, feeling happy(!), I was very careful, I stuck to all the speed limits, courteously and carefully.
Then the instant reaction cut in; some person in a crappy little car pulled out when I was doing 50 on the way to 60 in a 60 zone. Didn't look. Just jolly well claimed the right of way.
I was in fifth, and hoped that momentum would carry me by when I went round and overtook.
But no!
Spastic features saw me and floored it approaching a bend.
Nearly went head on into oncoming traffic.
Squeezed by.
But never forget that England is full of ruptured little fucks that try to kill you on a whim, for whatever reason their abortion of a take on life will justify.
Monday, 12 December 2011
Call Me Paranoid II

In the past ten years, with no fanfare, almost covertly, nearly every major court building seems to have been replaced. Then they renamed the Home Office, the 'Ministry Of Justice'.
Shown in the photo is Exeter Crown Court.
Note the revolving door.
You might read this and stay silent. But if you are ever arrested, you can't. They changed that too.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Call Me Paranoid.
But maintaining the supremacy of one's own character in one's own social dealings, always a difficult task, is very very difficult and emotionally expensive where 'Objectivists' are concerned.
They(as a society) cannot tolerate the existence of outsiders.
I have noticed this from 1980 on up; they are like a secret society of priestly machinators, like Jesuits in search of lapsed followers that they can return to the fold by controlling and beating down the Black Sheep.
I'm beginning to believe that they are an actual cult; not because of Ayn Rand or anything she said, but because of all the types that try to exploit her influence in order to build their little empires.
For this reason I would rather describe myself as a Rational Realist, and avoid the 'O' word altogether.
To seek to control another person is the result of bastard theories twisted from deliberate misconstruction of Ayn Rand's social models. It is something she condemned explicitly, as can be seen anywhere in her descriptions of the essential relationships in her novels.
Such 'control' as was demonstrated was influence, and then only from conviction, not psychological flummery.
And even if she didn't say it, I am.
Control is evil.
They(as a society) cannot tolerate the existence of outsiders.
I have noticed this from 1980 on up; they are like a secret society of priestly machinators, like Jesuits in search of lapsed followers that they can return to the fold by controlling and beating down the Black Sheep.
I'm beginning to believe that they are an actual cult; not because of Ayn Rand or anything she said, but because of all the types that try to exploit her influence in order to build their little empires.
For this reason I would rather describe myself as a Rational Realist, and avoid the 'O' word altogether.
To seek to control another person is the result of bastard theories twisted from deliberate misconstruction of Ayn Rand's social models. It is something she condemned explicitly, as can be seen anywhere in her descriptions of the essential relationships in her novels.
Such 'control' as was demonstrated was influence, and then only from conviction, not psychological flummery.
And even if she didn't say it, I am.
Control is evil.
"In 1949, Louis A. Johnson, secretary of the newly created Department of Defense," - from wikipedia.
The rest of the world was soon to follow suit, renaming their War Offices 'Defence Ministry' in slavish obedience to the American example, but to Britain's credit only after Suez, when American thuggery was made explicit.
Like any mediocrity, the Americans could not abide rivals.
At least the French had the decency to leave NATO.
Of course, this exercise in semantics saw an explosion in US aggression all round the world, cold when possible but hot when required.
Lots of fun was had. It was a big adventure. I don't know which semantic acrobatics the Soviets used for their own brand of death-dealing.
But we all thought that it would end when the USSR did; of course it didn't. The beast needed feeding.
And so America projects its power with little restraint, fig leaves being supplied by supine 'allies' like Blair's Britain.
When Britain had a War Office, there were interventions in 1948 and 1956; when we were all supposed to enter the brave new world opened up by the invented crime of 'waging aggressive war', and the name was changed to 'Defence', we had 1958, 1961, 1967, 1968-2000, 1990, 1982, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2001.
And that's just Britain.
At least a War Office does what it says on the tin; malfeasants know that there is a line to be crossed, that we have our fists raised.
Since following the American governmental hypocrisy, there is a game of trickery, where every crime can be justified.
In 2001 the crime was against New York.
In 1939 the crime was falsified, and the Nazis 'defended' themselves the way Bush and Blair defended us against Iraq.
Either these individuals are brought to book as people who waged aggressive war, or we forget the whole charade and go back to War Ministries.
The rest of the world was soon to follow suit, renaming their War Offices 'Defence Ministry' in slavish obedience to the American example, but to Britain's credit only after Suez, when American thuggery was made explicit.
Like any mediocrity, the Americans could not abide rivals.
At least the French had the decency to leave NATO.
Of course, this exercise in semantics saw an explosion in US aggression all round the world, cold when possible but hot when required.
Lots of fun was had. It was a big adventure. I don't know which semantic acrobatics the Soviets used for their own brand of death-dealing.
But we all thought that it would end when the USSR did; of course it didn't. The beast needed feeding.
And so America projects its power with little restraint, fig leaves being supplied by supine 'allies' like Blair's Britain.
When Britain had a War Office, there were interventions in 1948 and 1956; when we were all supposed to enter the brave new world opened up by the invented crime of 'waging aggressive war', and the name was changed to 'Defence', we had 1958, 1961, 1967, 1968-2000, 1990, 1982, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2001.
And that's just Britain.
At least a War Office does what it says on the tin; malfeasants know that there is a line to be crossed, that we have our fists raised.
Since following the American governmental hypocrisy, there is a game of trickery, where every crime can be justified.
In 2001 the crime was against New York.
In 1939 the crime was falsified, and the Nazis 'defended' themselves the way Bush and Blair defended us against Iraq.
Either these individuals are brought to book as people who waged aggressive war, or we forget the whole charade and go back to War Ministries.
Friday, 2 December 2011
It's more than instinct.
It's a science.
Few people actually learn it formally; as sciences go it's a well-kept secret.
Most practitioners are self-taught.
The science is psychological, and the purpose is to destroy intelligence itself.
This is done by poison; poison thrown into casual social interaction, poison which is hidden, so as to create fools, or if noticed, so as to face normal people with a choice.
The choice? Simply put, this is whether to react or not. Reaction is usually suppressed by habit, it is simply too much trouble to call every bastard out on his poisonous, mentally destructive behaviour.
The real choice is much easier.
All we have to do is reject the poisoner in their entirety. Leave them alone with their lack of self-esteem, leave them alone with their crappy 'science', leave them alone.
This is when, often, they become twice as sweet, twice as proper, in order to sugar coat the poison.
That is the mark of a real bastard; they attempt to dehumanise our choice, in order to make us appear unreasonable. Fortunately we can depend on convention to pay them precisely as much attention as they deserve, no more.
British insularity? Now you know.
It's a science.
Few people actually learn it formally; as sciences go it's a well-kept secret.
Most practitioners are self-taught.
The science is psychological, and the purpose is to destroy intelligence itself.
This is done by poison; poison thrown into casual social interaction, poison which is hidden, so as to create fools, or if noticed, so as to face normal people with a choice.
The choice? Simply put, this is whether to react or not. Reaction is usually suppressed by habit, it is simply too much trouble to call every bastard out on his poisonous, mentally destructive behaviour.
The real choice is much easier.
All we have to do is reject the poisoner in their entirety. Leave them alone with their lack of self-esteem, leave them alone with their crappy 'science', leave them alone.
This is when, often, they become twice as sweet, twice as proper, in order to sugar coat the poison.
That is the mark of a real bastard; they attempt to dehumanise our choice, in order to make us appear unreasonable. Fortunately we can depend on convention to pay them precisely as much attention as they deserve, no more.
British insularity? Now you know.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Englitz - Land Of Contrasts
Back in the 80's the joke I heard from a Canadian was this:
What's the difference between an Englishman and his photograph?
A: The photograph is developed.
The traditional rite of passage for the twenty-five year-old English child is to seek out the adults in the social environment - adults of any age - and destroy them mentally and emotionally.
They think it's possible to do this by pretending to cough, pretending to smile, and, well, just pretending.
They think the potential irritation they represent is both potent and worth the total sacrifice of their retarded mentalities, sacrifice to the cause of surrender to misery.
When they fail to impose their misery on the adults, they become unhinged, doubling and redoubling their pathetic grunting noises like subnormal Chimpanzees getting over-excited by a banana they can't reach.
And the more they try, the further away the banana gets. But they keep on trying, like the lunatic who expects a different result from repetition of the same act over and over again, or the hydrophobic who finds himself in suddenly deeper and deeper water yet refuses to swim.
The limit of their ambition is to insinuate themselves into some sort of middle position, from where they can drag the overall effort down while hiding behind an entirely imaginary eight-ball. They are particularly attracted to non-jobs or jobs which are imposed on the real producers by legal requirement, which explains why they are tolerated and appear, quite incredibly, to prosper personally, while the real workers of the world, from the floor sweepers to the research directors are obliged to count pennies and use coupons and discount stores.
In this aim they are supported by armies of political non-entities mired in servitude to the principal belief that objectivity means getting absolute right and absolute wrong to meet in the middle of a committee or a football field and cease to be identifiable.
This foggy environment is one they need to (dis)function, and their apparent prosperity only serves to validate their cowardice and help them simulate the appearance of good sense, by which their lying can be proclaimed as wisdom, and their hatred as concern for well being.
Of course, when this culture meets the rest of the world, a barrage of bigotry is required to bolster their shaken illusions. They don't actually have any self-confidence capable of withstanding challenge, which is why they are so aggressive toward contrasts.
What's the difference between an Englishman and his photograph?
A: The photograph is developed.
The traditional rite of passage for the twenty-five year-old English child is to seek out the adults in the social environment - adults of any age - and destroy them mentally and emotionally.
They think it's possible to do this by pretending to cough, pretending to smile, and, well, just pretending.
They think the potential irritation they represent is both potent and worth the total sacrifice of their retarded mentalities, sacrifice to the cause of surrender to misery.
When they fail to impose their misery on the adults, they become unhinged, doubling and redoubling their pathetic grunting noises like subnormal Chimpanzees getting over-excited by a banana they can't reach.
And the more they try, the further away the banana gets. But they keep on trying, like the lunatic who expects a different result from repetition of the same act over and over again, or the hydrophobic who finds himself in suddenly deeper and deeper water yet refuses to swim.
The limit of their ambition is to insinuate themselves into some sort of middle position, from where they can drag the overall effort down while hiding behind an entirely imaginary eight-ball. They are particularly attracted to non-jobs or jobs which are imposed on the real producers by legal requirement, which explains why they are tolerated and appear, quite incredibly, to prosper personally, while the real workers of the world, from the floor sweepers to the research directors are obliged to count pennies and use coupons and discount stores.
In this aim they are supported by armies of political non-entities mired in servitude to the principal belief that objectivity means getting absolute right and absolute wrong to meet in the middle of a committee or a football field and cease to be identifiable.
This foggy environment is one they need to (dis)function, and their apparent prosperity only serves to validate their cowardice and help them simulate the appearance of good sense, by which their lying can be proclaimed as wisdom, and their hatred as concern for well being.
Of course, when this culture meets the rest of the world, a barrage of bigotry is required to bolster their shaken illusions. They don't actually have any self-confidence capable of withstanding challenge, which is why they are so aggressive toward contrasts.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Bring Out Your Dead.
The Occupy protesters are simply flesh that occupies shoes and clothes in a passing nod to doing things that 'people' do.
They are non-entities whose sole esteem comes from piggy-backing off supposed notions of humanity in order to twist arms and minds into belief that they are relevant to our lives.
They flaunt their utter lack of purpose and self-respect in our faces in some insane presumption of exchange in which we are intended to react with guilt.
I'll say it again.
Their shame is supposed to make us guilty.
It only works if we feel guilty that we have witnessed such disgusting self degradation from alleged humans.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Clonezilla used to be a superb duplication and imaging utility; in version 1.19, it has changed to a random disk destroyer.
It isn't fussy.
It will destroy your source disk as easily as destination.
A more appropriate name would be Clownzilla.
It isn't fussy.
It will destroy your source disk as easily as destination.
A more appropriate name would be Clownzilla.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Your Humble Servants Resurgent.
At the turn of the century I went for an interview with Qinetic at Malvern Hill, Worcester.
They were allegedly looking for project managers; at the interview they made remarks like:
"You don't have much experience really, do you?" and "Have you ever managed a project that actually succeeded?"
Questions like that are generally useful to help scum trash your record, competence and ability in their own minds, specifically to save them from thinking about why they don't like you.
I didn't get the job.
In 2005, Qinetic and another company which I don't recall, liked my (patented) idea so much that they entered into a collaboration with OwlMed, which had sacked me shortly after I attempted to defend the rights of a co-inventor.
I wrote to the heads of both companies, explaining that as a named inventor on the patents, I was disputing the IP rights with OwlMed.
Qinetic ignored me. The other company wised up and dropped its links with OwlMed.
The head of OwlMed, Mr. G Alban Davies instructed his solicitors to write to me threatening legal action and demanding money and my silence. Demanding money with menaces anyone? Oh dear oh dear.
I would like to thank Qinetic for their honesty and integrity, and state that they are definitely not a bunch of ex-civil servants who think it a jolly good wheeze to support dubiously acquired IP portfolios in the classic manner of the 'little men', the mediocrities, that Sir Frederick Handley-Page spoke of on his death bed.
No sir.
They were allegedly looking for project managers; at the interview they made remarks like:
"You don't have much experience really, do you?" and "Have you ever managed a project that actually succeeded?"
Questions like that are generally useful to help scum trash your record, competence and ability in their own minds, specifically to save them from thinking about why they don't like you.
I didn't get the job.
In 2005, Qinetic and another company which I don't recall, liked my (patented) idea so much that they entered into a collaboration with OwlMed, which had sacked me shortly after I attempted to defend the rights of a co-inventor.
I wrote to the heads of both companies, explaining that as a named inventor on the patents, I was disputing the IP rights with OwlMed.
Qinetic ignored me. The other company wised up and dropped its links with OwlMed.
The head of OwlMed, Mr. G Alban Davies instructed his solicitors to write to me threatening legal action and demanding money and my silence. Demanding money with menaces anyone? Oh dear oh dear.
I would like to thank Qinetic for their honesty and integrity, and state that they are definitely not a bunch of ex-civil servants who think it a jolly good wheeze to support dubiously acquired IP portfolios in the classic manner of the 'little men', the mediocrities, that Sir Frederick Handley-Page spoke of on his death bed.
No sir.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Winters Past
Back in 1985 I was the site labourer on a construction project at the NatWest Bank credit card centre in East London.
One day I showed up when the snows came.
Snow was a rare event in London in those days, and nobody else appeared; no supervisor, no Roger(the geezer that oiled all the essential wheels), just me.
Apparently Londoners thought a bit of snow meant the day off.
The building work was on the roof.
I went up, and the snow was white and as absorbent as a soundproof wall; I stood and listened to the silence and more snow fell.
When I got cold I went into a room we used for storage. The fifties-vintage central heating pumped heat into the oversize radiator in this little room day and night, and it was positively steamy.
Eventually lunch came around and they rang and told me to go home. But I remember the bankers. They were friendly, sympathetic and enthusiastic. Nice people.
One day I showed up when the snows came.
Snow was a rare event in London in those days, and nobody else appeared; no supervisor, no Roger(the geezer that oiled all the essential wheels), just me.
Apparently Londoners thought a bit of snow meant the day off.
The building work was on the roof.
I went up, and the snow was white and as absorbent as a soundproof wall; I stood and listened to the silence and more snow fell.
When I got cold I went into a room we used for storage. The fifties-vintage central heating pumped heat into the oversize radiator in this little room day and night, and it was positively steamy.
Eventually lunch came around and they rang and told me to go home. But I remember the bankers. They were friendly, sympathetic and enthusiastic. Nice people.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
The Late, Great Jimmy Saville.
Jimmy Saville has died, aged only 84, in Roundhay, Leeds.
I would see him jogging along the Ring Road in the environs of Roundhay Park, where his penthouse flat was located.
He lived there before I ever came to Leeds, and after I left.
Jimmy worked most famously in Leeds as a voluntary Hospital Porter at Leeds General Infirmary. Seeing his sad passing on the news has brought back to me memories of the great city Leeds is, the general friendliness and warmth of the whole city like a welcome shelter from the hostile world.
Obviously Leeds has it's quota of outright bastards, life-forms and danger, but when you're in you're in with a crowd that welcomes you as a brother; I am reminded of my time at the Yorkshire Evening Post, a three hundred year old newspaper, where I was privileged to see the last days of traditional newspaper production.
I was in transport, and sometimes we would all be standing around cracking jokes and drinking coffee because somebody really did shout 'stop the presses!'.
We worked together day and night, like a secret island in the middle of the cyclic life of the city. We knew everything and everybody. The lads could get you anything from a pound of sausages to a 9 mm, all on the sly of course.
I was taught how to make a homemade grenade, and where to get the ingredients, all legally, in case my neighbours turned really nasty; I was told how to buy properly sorted cars on auction from the company.
I learned the code of the road that meant I broke records on the Scarborough run at 2 am for two and a half years without getting stopped by the police even once.
I learned most of the newsagents' locations in Leeds, and a good part of the private paper rounds for kids making a penny.
We worked together, sang together, drank together. I didn't go to casinos, but many of the lads turned a profit gambling as well.
They were great days. And I even worked at the LGI as a hospital porter.
Leeds was a super little city. Long may it remain so, and I'm sorry to see Jimmy go.
I would see him jogging along the Ring Road in the environs of Roundhay Park, where his penthouse flat was located.
He lived there before I ever came to Leeds, and after I left.
Jimmy worked most famously in Leeds as a voluntary Hospital Porter at Leeds General Infirmary. Seeing his sad passing on the news has brought back to me memories of the great city Leeds is, the general friendliness and warmth of the whole city like a welcome shelter from the hostile world.
Obviously Leeds has it's quota of outright bastards, life-forms and danger, but when you're in you're in with a crowd that welcomes you as a brother; I am reminded of my time at the Yorkshire Evening Post, a three hundred year old newspaper, where I was privileged to see the last days of traditional newspaper production.
I was in transport, and sometimes we would all be standing around cracking jokes and drinking coffee because somebody really did shout 'stop the presses!'.
We worked together day and night, like a secret island in the middle of the cyclic life of the city. We knew everything and everybody. The lads could get you anything from a pound of sausages to a 9 mm, all on the sly of course.
I was taught how to make a homemade grenade, and where to get the ingredients, all legally, in case my neighbours turned really nasty; I was told how to buy properly sorted cars on auction from the company.
I learned the code of the road that meant I broke records on the Scarborough run at 2 am for two and a half years without getting stopped by the police even once.
I learned most of the newsagents' locations in Leeds, and a good part of the private paper rounds for kids making a penny.
We worked together, sang together, drank together. I didn't go to casinos, but many of the lads turned a profit gambling as well.
They were great days. And I even worked at the LGI as a hospital porter.
Leeds was a super little city. Long may it remain so, and I'm sorry to see Jimmy go.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
It's Crap, Jim...
But not like the G&M.
It's worse than that, it's still shit. But there is some sign of improvement, if only in layout.
The experiment continues. I'll be staying with the National Post for the time-being.
If it doesn't work out, I'll try another new one, possibly whatever rag they have in Edmonton.
Failing that, the only Canadian representative will be the Sun.
It's worse than that, it's still shit. But there is some sign of improvement, if only in layout.
The experiment continues. I'll be staying with the National Post for the time-being.
If it doesn't work out, I'll try another new one, possibly whatever rag they have in Edmonton.
Failing that, the only Canadian representative will be the Sun.
Friday, 21 October 2011
I got to be disgusted with the establishment fawning of the Globe & Mail, so I'm trialling the National Post.
It may be that it is less foul, more hard news, although it does carry a pretty disgusting description of a tax-increasing politician as 'brave'.
We'll give it a few days and see where it goes.
It may be that it is less foul, more hard news, although it does carry a pretty disgusting description of a tax-increasing politician as 'brave'.
We'll give it a few days and see where it goes.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Society? Does It Matter?
Having sat in an office all day where backbiting is on the rise, I am returned once again to the realisation that the average Englishman is little different to a flea or a worm.
After a year with 'decent blokes', I now find incursions from the sort of scum which is more typical of any other organisation in this lousy country.
Item- the coughing, choking and snivelling of just four incomers sitting in the cubicle adjacent to software is turning the office day into a marathon in Hell for everybody else.
They start their antics early and continue all day.
They wear shirts, ties and are clean-shaven to make themselves 'above reproach'; they sit and watch everybody else as a team and put in the needle with the chronic enthusiasm of the schizophrenic who believes that outcomes will change if he just keeps 'asserting' all day.
They do anything except what they are paid for, which is work.
Their leader started on me, as his favourite meal for the week, as soon as I arrived this morning, so I told him quietly to 'fuck off'.
Obviously they all found this fascinating and devoted their working day to generating repetition.
I did not oblige. I have expressed myself. I just got on with my job. Very well actually.
But this sort of trash infests every waking moment that they can get near me. In the street, at work, at the doctors, at the supermarket. This is apparently what it means to be British.
But they don't get me at home. I've got that sorted. If they can't see or hear you, they can't attack you, not even on spec.
I have no neighbours.
And with subhuman bags of crap like that, who would want them?
After a year with 'decent blokes', I now find incursions from the sort of scum which is more typical of any other organisation in this lousy country.
Item- the coughing, choking and snivelling of just four incomers sitting in the cubicle adjacent to software is turning the office day into a marathon in Hell for everybody else.
They start their antics early and continue all day.
They wear shirts, ties and are clean-shaven to make themselves 'above reproach'; they sit and watch everybody else as a team and put in the needle with the chronic enthusiasm of the schizophrenic who believes that outcomes will change if he just keeps 'asserting' all day.
They do anything except what they are paid for, which is work.
Their leader started on me, as his favourite meal for the week, as soon as I arrived this morning, so I told him quietly to 'fuck off'.
Obviously they all found this fascinating and devoted their working day to generating repetition.
I did not oblige. I have expressed myself. I just got on with my job. Very well actually.
But this sort of trash infests every waking moment that they can get near me. In the street, at work, at the doctors, at the supermarket. This is apparently what it means to be British.
But they don't get me at home. I've got that sorted. If they can't see or hear you, they can't attack you, not even on spec.
I have no neighbours.
And with subhuman bags of crap like that, who would want them?
What Is Your Problem?
As the occupation begins and the Union of Streamlined Soviet Republics rises across the world, ushered in by hundreds of once-human turkeys gobbling messages in rippling unison, I have to tell you it ain't so.
Here I go.
I remember the 80's, because I was there, in the crucible, in the City Of London, a witness to the trading revolution.
I remember mourning the passing of the Port Of London under the jackboot heel of generic office developers; at a time when more and more 'trade' was being done, nothing actually went anywhere, because there wasn't anything being produced that could actually be sent anywhere.
All around, the cheerleaders for this movement were shouting to the wind that this was 'Capitalism'.
It wasn't.
It was a generation of young people entering the world of banking and thinking, due to the cultural influences of the 60's, the State Corporatists, the BBC, and any number of jabbering heads, that if governments applying force equations to people was wrong, it would be somehow right to do this privately, under the guise of market forces.
The problem isn't that Capitalism was released.
The problem is that the markets were used as a more perfect application of Democracy.
And Democracy is what is being applied ever more forcefully by state and business alike, every drunken lurch like the fluid sloshing around the flooded bilge of a foundering world.
It's not Capitalism which the problem. It is Democracy. Without limits. Without property. Without rights.
And like the lunatics currently trying to use increased credit to reflate the burst balloon of credit debt, the 'Occupy' movement is trying to reflate the Democratic bubble with a drunken binge of mob demands, all the while claiming that their malice is actually concern for justice.
Here I go.
I remember the 80's, because I was there, in the crucible, in the City Of London, a witness to the trading revolution.
I remember mourning the passing of the Port Of London under the jackboot heel of generic office developers; at a time when more and more 'trade' was being done, nothing actually went anywhere, because there wasn't anything being produced that could actually be sent anywhere.
All around, the cheerleaders for this movement were shouting to the wind that this was 'Capitalism'.
It wasn't.
It was a generation of young people entering the world of banking and thinking, due to the cultural influences of the 60's, the State Corporatists, the BBC, and any number of jabbering heads, that if governments applying force equations to people was wrong, it would be somehow right to do this privately, under the guise of market forces.
The problem isn't that Capitalism was released.
The problem is that the markets were used as a more perfect application of Democracy.
And Democracy is what is being applied ever more forcefully by state and business alike, every drunken lurch like the fluid sloshing around the flooded bilge of a foundering world.
It's not Capitalism which the problem. It is Democracy. Without limits. Without property. Without rights.
And like the lunatics currently trying to use increased credit to reflate the burst balloon of credit debt, the 'Occupy' movement is trying to reflate the Democratic bubble with a drunken binge of mob demands, all the while claiming that their malice is actually concern for justice.
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Freedom Of Talk
Talk is cheap, but no talk is cheaper than Libertarian talk.
They have had official parties in most countries of the West for more than two generations, but still fail consistently to define a platform or launch candidacies which make any impression.
Apart from as amusing sociological curios.
This is because they don't sincerely want to achieve anything.
They want to exist in a permanent state of parent's basement rebellion, lacking the maturity or moral conviction that would carry an electorate.
It isn't that they haven't had backing or opportunity; they've taken plenty and produced nothing, absolutely nothing in return, like any puerile, self-centred child.
The problem is that they can't answer a simple question without degenerating, dissembling and disintegration into hundreds more questions, like an obsessive-compulsive drug addict being interrogated by 'the Man'.
They are utterly, utterly and deeply useless.
They have had official parties in most countries of the West for more than two generations, but still fail consistently to define a platform or launch candidacies which make any impression.
Apart from as amusing sociological curios.
This is because they don't sincerely want to achieve anything.
They want to exist in a permanent state of parent's basement rebellion, lacking the maturity or moral conviction that would carry an electorate.
It isn't that they haven't had backing or opportunity; they've taken plenty and produced nothing, absolutely nothing in return, like any puerile, self-centred child.
The problem is that they can't answer a simple question without degenerating, dissembling and disintegration into hundreds more questions, like an obsessive-compulsive drug addict being interrogated by 'the Man'.
They are utterly, utterly and deeply useless.
Friday, 9 September 2011
Sunday, 4 September 2011
What In Christendom?
The Catholic church is being led over a precipice by leaders who, while claiming to be inspired divinely, actually pay little attention to their bible and owe the majority of their meaning to more, ah, 'earthly' influences such as Karl Marx.
The famed sayings of Jesus are being perverted on a daily and weekly basis to things which were most definitely neither said nor implied by the man.
And don't let them claim that he was infallible, in any case, as the Passion shows, he was fallible, as was his first pope, Peter.
Today Catholicism is a poisonous brew of charity and guilt which tries to extinguish the very flames of compassion it is claiming to represent, with various priestly types claiming that Jesus' views over the repentance of the sinner are not the truth, as there is no such thing as a 'part time Christian'.
The Church spits in the face of Gods own nature by refusing to represent the essential individuality of each Christian, and only trying to foster collectivism and tribalism via the use of collective nouns and references in all prayers, being consistent only in the attempt to hang onto the coat tails of Marxism and various other collective-isms, turning charity from a virtue into a duty, and slowly crushing all life from its practitioners, fostering ungodliness in the name of God, while claiming an infallibility that the Bible never claimed nor demonstrated.
The Roman Church needs reformation. If it is ever to remain as any kind of cultural influence to be taken seriously or at all in a world of fundamentalist lurches, this needs to be addressed.
And this must not be window dressing; this needs the sponsorship of original thought in all of its seminaries, and the attempt to recognise the humanity of and in Gods nature.
The famed sayings of Jesus are being perverted on a daily and weekly basis to things which were most definitely neither said nor implied by the man.
And don't let them claim that he was infallible, in any case, as the Passion shows, he was fallible, as was his first pope, Peter.
Today Catholicism is a poisonous brew of charity and guilt which tries to extinguish the very flames of compassion it is claiming to represent, with various priestly types claiming that Jesus' views over the repentance of the sinner are not the truth, as there is no such thing as a 'part time Christian'.
The Church spits in the face of Gods own nature by refusing to represent the essential individuality of each Christian, and only trying to foster collectivism and tribalism via the use of collective nouns and references in all prayers, being consistent only in the attempt to hang onto the coat tails of Marxism and various other collective-isms, turning charity from a virtue into a duty, and slowly crushing all life from its practitioners, fostering ungodliness in the name of God, while claiming an infallibility that the Bible never claimed nor demonstrated.
The Roman Church needs reformation. If it is ever to remain as any kind of cultural influence to be taken seriously or at all in a world of fundamentalist lurches, this needs to be addressed.
And this must not be window dressing; this needs the sponsorship of original thought in all of its seminaries, and the attempt to recognise the humanity of and in Gods nature.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Hell? Now? How Did That Happen?
When normal people remember school days, possibly they recall occasions when one of their classmates, you know, the cliquey ones(not 'popular'), appeared to be determined or passionate about some irrelevance that was just too unimportant to be worth arguing about.
Maybe this person was running for class president or some other authoritarian coat-tail position, something that would suddenly and magically give them the power they sought to be able to tell people what to do.
Of course, we normal people never stood up to it; school is too tragic, too temporary and too silly to be worth fighting over, right? Once we escape into the real world, we would be out of the reach of these lice, right?
But they go away, and those of us unfortunate enough to go to university are treated to the spectacle of these same type of people festooning the fake social circulation of the colleges like vampire bats on a feeding frenzy, sucking the blood out of all reality around them.
This time the infantilisation of colleges follows, but this is serious, since these people fasten to the institutions and follow through; they end up voting their way into societies and clubs and professorships and consultancies.
Never mind. College is fake, right? We'll escape to the real world in three years.
But in three years, we find that to be a professional, we have to belong to their societies and clubs, because all that networking has been dressed up as 'vital' to the progress of the professions.
So where there are compulsory clubs there is no escape.
My reaction was to stuff everything and drop out; I lived for ten years on the cusp of the Truck Laws, which meant I could be paid in cash and have no bank account of any sort. I lived in the disappearing world of physical industry which these corporate bastards were murdering with their nasty little urges, disguised in so many good intentions that even their own mothers wouldn't know they were being killed until the lights all went out.
These people didn't really see Maggie Thatcher as any great loss; they used her while they could, they replaced her, they really replaced John Major when he called it right, they found their soulmate in Tony Blair.
Now they're sussing out the posher version.
But the point is this; if we're going to stop it from continuing and driving the world to ruin yet again, we have to begin with schools.
Here are some rules:
1)No political parties to have authority of any sort in schools;
2)All governors to be laymen.
3)No funding of religion.
4)An emphasis on individual development.
5)No democratic institutions to be set up in schools.
6)No pupil ever to be in authority over another without individual consent.
If we did this today, there would be a wholesale regeneration of the country within a generation.
Maybe this person was running for class president or some other authoritarian coat-tail position, something that would suddenly and magically give them the power they sought to be able to tell people what to do.
Of course, we normal people never stood up to it; school is too tragic, too temporary and too silly to be worth fighting over, right? Once we escape into the real world, we would be out of the reach of these lice, right?
But they go away, and those of us unfortunate enough to go to university are treated to the spectacle of these same type of people festooning the fake social circulation of the colleges like vampire bats on a feeding frenzy, sucking the blood out of all reality around them.
This time the infantilisation of colleges follows, but this is serious, since these people fasten to the institutions and follow through; they end up voting their way into societies and clubs and professorships and consultancies.
Never mind. College is fake, right? We'll escape to the real world in three years.
But in three years, we find that to be a professional, we have to belong to their societies and clubs, because all that networking has been dressed up as 'vital' to the progress of the professions.
So where there are compulsory clubs there is no escape.
My reaction was to stuff everything and drop out; I lived for ten years on the cusp of the Truck Laws, which meant I could be paid in cash and have no bank account of any sort. I lived in the disappearing world of physical industry which these corporate bastards were murdering with their nasty little urges, disguised in so many good intentions that even their own mothers wouldn't know they were being killed until the lights all went out.
These people didn't really see Maggie Thatcher as any great loss; they used her while they could, they replaced her, they really replaced John Major when he called it right, they found their soulmate in Tony Blair.
Now they're sussing out the posher version.
But the point is this; if we're going to stop it from continuing and driving the world to ruin yet again, we have to begin with schools.
Here are some rules:
1)No political parties to have authority of any sort in schools;
2)All governors to be laymen.
3)No funding of religion.
4)An emphasis on individual development.
5)No democratic institutions to be set up in schools.
6)No pupil ever to be in authority over another without individual consent.
If we did this today, there would be a wholesale regeneration of the country within a generation.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Hell Is Coming
Ever thought about the real meaning of these new UAV's?
I mean the miniature ones, the ones the size of Humming Birds. When I was a kid, I could walk out of the door and be out of sight and out of mind for hours at a time. I could stroll along country lanes and keep away, go through fields and woods, catch Water Beetles and frogs, and enjoy the privacy of being alone and ignored in the world.
We are now headed for a world worse than George Orwell's '1984'; at least there they could run to the country and actually find a safe place for a few hours.
Now, everywhere will be accessible to some bastard with a joystick and the desire to be a voyeur, presumably working for the government because this would 'protect our rights' in some sense.
We will be under siege in homes which can be invaded by men in uniform at a moment's notice, and when we are there it will be known that we are there. Because if we were anywhere else, they could see us.
Rescue? Of course. Equip the bloody machines with heat seekers and recognition, and they will find us night or day, wherever we are, even and especially if we take to the wildernesses as our last refuge.
Time to develop measures.
Time to develop tech that fries these little monstrosities.
I mean the miniature ones, the ones the size of Humming Birds. When I was a kid, I could walk out of the door and be out of sight and out of mind for hours at a time. I could stroll along country lanes and keep away, go through fields and woods, catch Water Beetles and frogs, and enjoy the privacy of being alone and ignored in the world.
We are now headed for a world worse than George Orwell's '1984'; at least there they could run to the country and actually find a safe place for a few hours.
Now, everywhere will be accessible to some bastard with a joystick and the desire to be a voyeur, presumably working for the government because this would 'protect our rights' in some sense.
We will be under siege in homes which can be invaded by men in uniform at a moment's notice, and when we are there it will be known that we are there. Because if we were anywhere else, they could see us.
Rescue? Of course. Equip the bloody machines with heat seekers and recognition, and they will find us night or day, wherever we are, even and especially if we take to the wildernesses as our last refuge.
Time to develop measures.
Time to develop tech that fries these little monstrosities.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Velcome To Englitz!
For you ze var is over!
England. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, England couldn't get enough of the world. English people went on to great success everywhere, and brought the wealth of the world back to England.
Then, in the sixties, England faced a new challenge.
The 'Brain Drain'.
The English simply weren't coming back.
So, rather than address the problem of why, the status quotient decided to address the problem of how.
And so, in a fairly secret way, that lethargy which appeases the urge to survival was harnessed and amplified a thousand-fold, by all and any means, by television, radio, the 'man in the street', the (cover up) news, the dramas.
This lie has always been most obvious under Labour governments; the very people that caused the Brain Drain in the first place.
The last incarnation of the fly-paper drivel was 'Cool Britannia'. This persists through to the Olympics next year, which is the attempt to stretch the fiction onwards for another few years.
All of this is designed to make the despairing masses believe that just enough crumbs are falling from the high table to make their continued confinement bearable for a few more years, until it is too late to do anything.
Thus England ceases to project all over the world, and instead trumpets all over the world in a vain effort to influence those who suspect there is nothing more to England than an open prison, made with walls of ignorance so thick that it takes years for people to dig their way out to freedom.
Let's face it; if you can build prisons in people's minds, then steel gates aren't needed.
England. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, England couldn't get enough of the world. English people went on to great success everywhere, and brought the wealth of the world back to England.
Then, in the sixties, England faced a new challenge.
The 'Brain Drain'.
The English simply weren't coming back.
So, rather than address the problem of why, the status quotient decided to address the problem of how.
And so, in a fairly secret way, that lethargy which appeases the urge to survival was harnessed and amplified a thousand-fold, by all and any means, by television, radio, the 'man in the street', the (cover up) news, the dramas.
This lie has always been most obvious under Labour governments; the very people that caused the Brain Drain in the first place.
The last incarnation of the fly-paper drivel was 'Cool Britannia'. This persists through to the Olympics next year, which is the attempt to stretch the fiction onwards for another few years.
All of this is designed to make the despairing masses believe that just enough crumbs are falling from the high table to make their continued confinement bearable for a few more years, until it is too late to do anything.
Thus England ceases to project all over the world, and instead trumpets all over the world in a vain effort to influence those who suspect there is nothing more to England than an open prison, made with walls of ignorance so thick that it takes years for people to dig their way out to freedom.
Let's face it; if you can build prisons in people's minds, then steel gates aren't needed.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Final Demand.
The key to Capitalism is property; if you don't want to move your farmstead, and the biggest corporation is trying to buy your land, there is nothing they can do.
They can make demands; they can park a neighbouring speaker stack to play 'please, please, pretty please' messages all night; they can offer you larger and larger amounts of money.
They can apply pressure by buying the water and power companies out from under you. They can attempt to persuade you with every step you take.
There are many forms of coercion, subornment and pressure that can be applied short of confiscation.
A man of steel can resist, and hold onto the reality of his property.
But in Britain, there is no such safety. And there are people who will apply the pressure to people with nothing, absolutely nothing, simply because their peace of mind or spirit is something detestable to these powered and moneyed vermin, something to be 'robbed', ie destroyed, simply for amusement.
They will pursue individuals for years, decades, artistically creating worlds of sadistic meaning in the undercurrents of everyday life, solely to destroy.
Knowing that their victims have no money, they will arrange for messages telling them to disclose their assets, their 'large' assets, simply to taunt.
They do it in public, in detail, in groups, to suppress all forms of dissent under the threat of being utterly wasted, all to ensure that the ruled remain ruled.
This truth is evident in the manic, grit-toothed laughter and brawling on Saturday nights in British towns, and is the destruction, to somebody's order, of all resistance.
They can make demands; they can park a neighbouring speaker stack to play 'please, please, pretty please' messages all night; they can offer you larger and larger amounts of money.
They can apply pressure by buying the water and power companies out from under you. They can attempt to persuade you with every step you take.
There are many forms of coercion, subornment and pressure that can be applied short of confiscation.
A man of steel can resist, and hold onto the reality of his property.
But in Britain, there is no such safety. And there are people who will apply the pressure to people with nothing, absolutely nothing, simply because their peace of mind or spirit is something detestable to these powered and moneyed vermin, something to be 'robbed', ie destroyed, simply for amusement.
They will pursue individuals for years, decades, artistically creating worlds of sadistic meaning in the undercurrents of everyday life, solely to destroy.
Knowing that their victims have no money, they will arrange for messages telling them to disclose their assets, their 'large' assets, simply to taunt.
They do it in public, in detail, in groups, to suppress all forms of dissent under the threat of being utterly wasted, all to ensure that the ruled remain ruled.
This truth is evident in the manic, grit-toothed laughter and brawling on Saturday nights in British towns, and is the destruction, to somebody's order, of all resistance.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Stop Press!
"Assholes crash YouTube."
But don't expect to read or hear about it for a while; YouTube isn't 'Real' media.
Such as The News Of The World.
Yeah, the 'news' papers love talking to and about themselves and their clients in the various governments, but talk about news, actual, hard, news, and you may as well talk to a brick wall.
The internet? That's a funny place where kids mysteriously gather and make money.
But it won't last.
Rag-paper is where the future is.
I swear I heard the BBC radio talking about what the 'news consensus' was today.
But don't expect to read or hear about it for a while; YouTube isn't 'Real' media.
Such as The News Of The World.
Yeah, the 'news' papers love talking to and about themselves and their clients in the various governments, but talk about news, actual, hard, news, and you may as well talk to a brick wall.
The internet? That's a funny place where kids mysteriously gather and make money.
But it won't last.
Rag-paper is where the future is.
I swear I heard the BBC radio talking about what the 'news consensus' was today.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
English People Don't Need Asylum, But...
Back in 1999, I was off on my first serious trip to Canada; I was anxious to leave the country for a while, anxious because I was dying on my feet in this god-forsaken, dream-killing, conformity prison.
I'd been released from all treatment by chemical cosh, and the first thing I did was get the hell out.
At Leeds co-op, they suddenly ran out of travel insurance, so it cost extra to arrange that(legal requirement to entry); at Manchester, there was the usual old man in the corner murmuring "So it's Canada then!"
Then, sitting on the plane (a 'Royal' A320) the British security people came on board to check my passport. Only mine.
But, they let me go. The law apparently protects citizens to some extent.
I got to Canada.
I was taken aside by the border officials. A guy asked me questions. Then, because he was Canadian, (and therefore Human), he saw my camera and said "If you're going to take pictures, you should take a trip to Niagara. It's really beautiful this time of year!" He even smiled.
And I was let go into big, warm, Toronto.
I'd been released from all treatment by chemical cosh, and the first thing I did was get the hell out.
At Leeds co-op, they suddenly ran out of travel insurance, so it cost extra to arrange that(legal requirement to entry); at Manchester, there was the usual old man in the corner murmuring "So it's Canada then!"
Then, sitting on the plane (a 'Royal' A320) the British security people came on board to check my passport. Only mine.
But, they let me go. The law apparently protects citizens to some extent.
I got to Canada.
I was taken aside by the border officials. A guy asked me questions. Then, because he was Canadian, (and therefore Human), he saw my camera and said "If you're going to take pictures, you should take a trip to Niagara. It's really beautiful this time of year!" He even smiled.
And I was let go into big, warm, Toronto.
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Strictly Without Prejudice
Anybody who saw the Strauss-Kahn rape victim's lawyer Kenneth Thompson making his speech yesterday won't be surprised if they have any knowledge of how the international-political caucus works.
The tendrils of individual perversion dangle from the very top of society, into conveniently located docks where any corruption can be expressed for the mere passage of money.
Various places are hot at different times; they might be a hotel, or a conveniently located nightclub. They will absorb and feed off the refugees stuck between misery and hope, the people who fall through the cracks, who are exploited ruthlessly by drug dealers, pimps, thugs and those rich, powerful life-forms who deign to be the criminal's protectors.
The mechanisms by which kids as young as 17 or 18 are suborned into the engine which feeds the corruption above are slick, well-practised and competitive; after all, illegal human flesh is a commodity.
Sometimes you can stand in their way, throw a spanner in the works, but I don't recommend doing it without friends in high - and low - places.
What I see is the international, political-ish establishment, protecting one of their own from the teeth of the US Justice Department.
I see a textbook example of the downtrodden being abused by men of 'honour' who have suddenly discovered that they are 'respectable' while the victim is not.
The land of the free, which asked the world to bring their poor, tired and downtrodden, has discovered liberal snobbery can work wonders when buying influence among the stinking corruption of world politics. It's no accident the victim's reputation was assassinated in the New York Times, giving aid and succour to the despicable for decades past.
That slag, Strauss-Kahn, deserves a fucking kicking. If he doesn't get to prison, I hope somebody, somewhere, gives it to him.
The tendrils of individual perversion dangle from the very top of society, into conveniently located docks where any corruption can be expressed for the mere passage of money.
Various places are hot at different times; they might be a hotel, or a conveniently located nightclub. They will absorb and feed off the refugees stuck between misery and hope, the people who fall through the cracks, who are exploited ruthlessly by drug dealers, pimps, thugs and those rich, powerful life-forms who deign to be the criminal's protectors.
The mechanisms by which kids as young as 17 or 18 are suborned into the engine which feeds the corruption above are slick, well-practised and competitive; after all, illegal human flesh is a commodity.
Sometimes you can stand in their way, throw a spanner in the works, but I don't recommend doing it without friends in high - and low - places.
What I see is the international, political-ish establishment, protecting one of their own from the teeth of the US Justice Department.
I see a textbook example of the downtrodden being abused by men of 'honour' who have suddenly discovered that they are 'respectable' while the victim is not.
The land of the free, which asked the world to bring their poor, tired and downtrodden, has discovered liberal snobbery can work wonders when buying influence among the stinking corruption of world politics. It's no accident the victim's reputation was assassinated in the New York Times, giving aid and succour to the despicable for decades past.
That slag, Strauss-Kahn, deserves a fucking kicking. If he doesn't get to prison, I hope somebody, somewhere, gives it to him.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Bankruptcies Aaaaarrrre Grrrreat!
The sugar frosting sure does hit the spot. So much for the fuck-faced pile of rabbit shit.
Friday, 24 June 2011
One hell of a Green Shoot.
"In June 2011 AirAsia ordered 200 Airbus A320neo's at the Paris Air Show.[46][47] This is the largest single order in commercial aviation history. The planes are due to become available in 2015, and the deal is the largest number of commercial aircraft ordered in history.[46] The deal was worth $18 billion at list prices, although it is likely that AirAsia would have gotten a substantial discount from those prices.[47] Singapore based analyst Shukor Yusof said the deal had the potential to rival American Southwest Airlines and make Air Asia the world's biggest low cost aircraft carrier.[47][48] The deal makes AirAsia Airbus' single biggest customer.[48]"
-From Wikipedia
-From Wikipedia
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Virtual reality
As it stands one can grow attached to facebook friends.
Then profiles get cremated.
May the ashes be spread on fertile soil.
Then profiles get cremated.
May the ashes be spread on fertile soil.
Location:Pizza land
Friday, 17 June 2011
Facebook wriggled like a T1000 Terminator in a blast furnace as it died.
Hope there is no sequel.
Hope there is no sequel.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
If you've been to college, you will be familiar with the commonplace socialisation efforts of vague types who try to dominate by fait accomplit; by the time you realise that these gobshites have control, it is too late.
If you do challenge them, they will react with impatience, as though you are merely an annoyance or distraction.
Their sole purpose is power, and their psychosis is such that they are actually incapable of believing in anything but their manifest destiny to rule; such frustrations as occur are merely
reasons to encourage them to shrillness.
They shriek in the face of reason.
Facebook started out in a college, as precisely this sort of social grouping. The whole purpose of such groupings is power.
Today, it dupes 400 million users into being used, harvested like organ donors, herded, driven, governed, all under the pretense of individual empowerment, but all for the big score, for the time that they can be sold to the corporate animals that the operators long to reach by the shortest route possible.
Think the Enron of your personalities.
They allow people to grow, for the time-being safe, then at the first time they find convenient they will threaten with complete impunity, to withdraw their permissions(as if they had something you want), wile making it impossible to deal further with them without your legal indemnity.
They started out as punks.
Now they're punks with lawyers.
And the Movementarians themselves have much in common with them when you try to leave.
If you do challenge them, they will react with impatience, as though you are merely an annoyance or distraction.
Their sole purpose is power, and their psychosis is such that they are actually incapable of believing in anything but their manifest destiny to rule; such frustrations as occur are merely
reasons to encourage them to shrillness.
They shriek in the face of reason.
Facebook started out in a college, as precisely this sort of social grouping. The whole purpose of such groupings is power.
Today, it dupes 400 million users into being used, harvested like organ donors, herded, driven, governed, all under the pretense of individual empowerment, but all for the big score, for the time that they can be sold to the corporate animals that the operators long to reach by the shortest route possible.
Think the Enron of your personalities.
They allow people to grow, for the time-being safe, then at the first time they find convenient they will threaten with complete impunity, to withdraw their permissions(as if they had something you want), wile making it impossible to deal further with them without your legal indemnity.
They started out as punks.
Now they're punks with lawyers.
And the Movementarians themselves have much in common with them when you try to leave.
Friday, 10 June 2011
The Singularity
Looking at a show called 'Doctor Oz', with the sound mostly turned down, I saw a Human Brain in a jar.
I thought of the knowledge, experiences and unique insight stored in each and every brain, and how this is lost forever at death, save for whatever is written down or recorded.
Some technology enthusiasts talk about the 'Singularity', the point at which we upload our consciousnesses into machines and exist forever.
I don't know about consciousnesses, but I look forward greatly to the point where we can save all these priceless experiences.
Only then will we have a strong culture which doesn't die with every citizen of that culture.
I thought of the knowledge, experiences and unique insight stored in each and every brain, and how this is lost forever at death, save for whatever is written down or recorded.
Some technology enthusiasts talk about the 'Singularity', the point at which we upload our consciousnesses into machines and exist forever.
I don't know about consciousnesses, but I look forward greatly to the point where we can save all these priceless experiences.
Only then will we have a strong culture which doesn't die with every citizen of that culture.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Watching the BBC Parliament channel can sometimes be instructive.
For example, I just saw a collection of commercial shysters presuming that they had the right to regulate my speech.
One in particular(I only don't publish his name because I can't remember - seen one shyster you've seen them all) tried to scare the old fuddy-duddy politicians on the select committee by lying about the effects of publishing on the web; apparently it's the end of the world if you do.
Imagine their consternation at the thought of reputations destroyed at a stroke of a key, and how sincerely they convince themselves that 'something must be done'.
A lesson in how a nasty little lawyer can manipulate government into making a nice little legal earner for him and his crummy friends.
For example, I just saw a collection of commercial shysters presuming that they had the right to regulate my speech.
One in particular(I only don't publish his name because I can't remember - seen one shyster you've seen them all) tried to scare the old fuddy-duddy politicians on the select committee by lying about the effects of publishing on the web; apparently it's the end of the world if you do.
Imagine their consternation at the thought of reputations destroyed at a stroke of a key, and how sincerely they convince themselves that 'something must be done'.
A lesson in how a nasty little lawyer can manipulate government into making a nice little legal earner for him and his crummy friends.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Good News Everybody!
They've caught that murdering Serbian bastard. He killed 8000 people in Srebeniza alone. They were Muslims incidentally. Under UN protection.
Don't tell me they didn't matter.
Don't tell me they didn't matter.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Mud fights
The new CEO arrived in January.
I'm not sure what he looks like. But we got two messages so far.
The first was to inform us there's been a disaster in Japan this year. And we could all donate. He's a good guy. And also informed.
The second is the new structure. Bob takes the job of Rob. John moves to Bob's old place. The business units will be renamed. It's been said that Bob didn't take things well. Let's just hope that Mario doesn't become our boss. Mario never liked Albert so it's likely that Albert needs to be moved away. We invent a new business unit just for him. Can't fire him. We're good.
Such is the inevitable fate of a company surviving with 'non free market loans'. The government is on our side. They are fair.
Meanwhile no new enterprise gets a chance to start. Give it one year and we tax you to death. That's will teach them capitalists a lesson.
Meanwhile the unions ask for a payraise. We have the government on our side. They are fair.
But I'm happy. Happy because we don't live in a free country. One of those where people are expoited by those who aim for profit. For results. Who illude themselves to be god.
Meanwhile I'm getting ready for the next mud fight. Sorry. Meeting.
Mud is the new color of integrity this season.
I'm not sure what he looks like. But we got two messages so far.
The first was to inform us there's been a disaster in Japan this year. And we could all donate. He's a good guy. And also informed.
The second is the new structure. Bob takes the job of Rob. John moves to Bob's old place. The business units will be renamed. It's been said that Bob didn't take things well. Let's just hope that Mario doesn't become our boss. Mario never liked Albert so it's likely that Albert needs to be moved away. We invent a new business unit just for him. Can't fire him. We're good.
Such is the inevitable fate of a company surviving with 'non free market loans'. The government is on our side. They are fair.
Meanwhile no new enterprise gets a chance to start. Give it one year and we tax you to death. That's will teach them capitalists a lesson.
Meanwhile the unions ask for a payraise. We have the government on our side. They are fair.
But I'm happy. Happy because we don't live in a free country. One of those where people are expoited by those who aim for profit. For results. Who illude themselves to be god.
Meanwhile I'm getting ready for the next mud fight. Sorry. Meeting.
Mud is the new color of integrity this season.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
The man who sits and waits
There's a man in my office.
He sits all day. Bent forward towards his computer screen. As if he wants to crawl inside and dissappear. A new reality that isn't real.
Yet he waits. Something might happen. His universe seems defined by four corners. And so is his hope.
His shoulders are always lifted They seem almost glued to his ears. Perhaps he tries to cover his ears.
His desk is empty. His expression never reveals life.
He's there.
But he isn't there.
Some years ago he got married. He told with a sigh. An unknown force defeated him. There was nothing he could do about it now. Such is life.
I see him running fast out of the office each night as though late for an appointment not to be missed.
At 6 he gave up. Nothing came out of the screen today. Perhaps tomorrow. How can we know.
Tonight I realized he escaped. Terrified. With hate and disgust. The world is a rotten place. Good to have security. At least on that. I told you so anyway.
Society matters. And so does he.
But he is the only one who doesn't know.
He sits all day. Bent forward towards his computer screen. As if he wants to crawl inside and dissappear. A new reality that isn't real.
Yet he waits. Something might happen. His universe seems defined by four corners. And so is his hope.
His shoulders are always lifted They seem almost glued to his ears. Perhaps he tries to cover his ears.
His desk is empty. His expression never reveals life.
He's there.
But he isn't there.
Some years ago he got married. He told with a sigh. An unknown force defeated him. There was nothing he could do about it now. Such is life.
I see him running fast out of the office each night as though late for an appointment not to be missed.
At 6 he gave up. Nothing came out of the screen today. Perhaps tomorrow. How can we know.
Tonight I realized he escaped. Terrified. With hate and disgust. The world is a rotten place. Good to have security. At least on that. I told you so anyway.
Society matters. And so does he.
But he is the only one who doesn't know.
Monday, 23 May 2011
I have just had the misfortune to witness the hatchet job your miserable, coercive organisation attempted to perform on Ayn Rand.
You tried to imply that she was mad, without proof or evidence, and relying on outright lies to make your point.
Your research was cursory, juvenile at best, and showed innumerable factual errors. I doubt this was a mistake.
The point you attempted to make was never fully stated, presumably because you knew it was a lie.
It is my fervent hope that I see the day come when the BBC is completely broken up and sold, due especially to the unique way in which it is funded.
In any case, I intend to do so from the benign shores of a foreign country. It will be worth it, if only to avoid the annual extortion process that forces me to contribute to this garbage.
You tried to imply that she was mad, without proof or evidence, and relying on outright lies to make your point.
Your research was cursory, juvenile at best, and showed innumerable factual errors. I doubt this was a mistake.
The point you attempted to make was never fully stated, presumably because you knew it was a lie.
It is my fervent hope that I see the day come when the BBC is completely broken up and sold, due especially to the unique way in which it is funded.
In any case, I intend to do so from the benign shores of a foreign country. It will be worth it, if only to avoid the annual extortion process that forces me to contribute to this garbage.
BBC has Been Taking Drugs. Again.
I just attempted to watch a sick BBC fictional documentary.
It is being shown on BBC2.
They interview the Brandens. Nathaniel comes across quite well.
But the BBC is doing a sneering character assassination on Ayn Rand. I believe they are trying to pretend that she is responsible for the 2008 crash.
The presentation is a narrative stream-of-consciousness that is supposed to damn by connotation and association.
It is essentially a two-minute hate.
I am now going to write to the BBC. I am going to tell them that I am organising a License Strike.
It is being shown on BBC2.
They interview the Brandens. Nathaniel comes across quite well.
But the BBC is doing a sneering character assassination on Ayn Rand. I believe they are trying to pretend that she is responsible for the 2008 crash.
The presentation is a narrative stream-of-consciousness that is supposed to damn by connotation and association.
It is essentially a two-minute hate.
I am now going to write to the BBC. I am going to tell them that I am organising a License Strike.
Notwithstanding, my (ultimate) boss was a self-made engineer, a billionaire in dollar terms, who carries the entire company around in his pocket.
Obviously that's a guy who can feel his own merit, one of us.
And as it happens, he has been made a Fellow Of The Royal Society, proving that sometimes external credit is a confirmation, not a substitution.
Obviously that's a guy who can feel his own merit, one of us.
And as it happens, he has been made a Fellow Of The Royal Society, proving that sometimes external credit is a confirmation, not a substitution.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Reflections at Toni the barber
Judgement day. Today's judgement day. Mind you I'm totaly ignorant when it comes to religion. Willingly so. I wouldn't understand it anyway.
But the idea of judment as something external to the self hasn't got much to do with religion. It has all to do with not wanting to judge.
Judgement is a scary business. We leave that up to others. What if you make a mistake. Or worse still. What if you have a judgement that's not in line with what 'they' say. You'll stand out. And standing out you'll have to face yourself with no other guide than your own mind. Can it be done.
We hand over judgement to another. To a god. To a parent. To the experts.
To our favorite philosopher.
The point being so long as you don't judge you are safe of judgement upon yourself. You have your free ride on morality street.
Or so the idea is.
It doesn't work. The big fear is another. It's fear of your own judgement upon you. Regardless if it's a good or bad one. That's the fun.
But you can't escape yourself. You better be scared as hell if you repress your own judgement. (Yes repress. You still have it and you know) Because you don't want to face your self-judgement in the face of the fact you dishonour your own judgement and thus gave up any chance to achieve independence. And freedom.
There's no escape. If you judge yourself as bad you will stand out. If you judge yourself as good you'll stand out.
The point is you can't survive one day without your capacity to judge. So why not make the best of it.
Like it or not. Judge. And have fun doing so while you're at it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, 20 May 2011
Accept no bribes
Granted. The battle is lonesome. But that's what true battles usually are. Certainly the ones for freedom. Freedom is a lonesome business. Inherently so.
But in the name of your own freedom and dignity, do not run like a chicken without head after every fraud that is against Islam and mechanically repeats the word freedom and wants to arrange it for you. Politicians need to leave you alone. You do the rest if you so wish.
The word freedombecame another bribe in exchange for your vote.
It's really not hard to see. But when despair kicks in people want their Messiah. They start to hallucinate.
Yet. Life is great fun.
But in the name of your own freedom and dignity, do not run like a chicken without head after every fraud that is against Islam and mechanically repeats the word freedom and wants to arrange it for you. Politicians need to leave you alone. You do the rest if you so wish.
The word freedombecame another bribe in exchange for your vote.
It's really not hard to see. But when despair kicks in people want their Messiah. They start to hallucinate.
Yet. Life is great fun.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
What Would You?
New York.
The memories of the dead heroes live on in their parents, siblings and children.
On September 11th 2001, New York had its two front teeth knocked out by a sucker punch which has led to years of brawling, pussyfoot brawling which has changed two entire countries and encouraged Arabs to see that it doesn't have to be that way.
But what is New York?
Is it the symbol of Americanism, the Americanism that means it has to go out to the orthodontist and get those teeth fixed by two crowns, or bridgework; or is New York the grizzled old boxer that would laugh at the thought of new teeth, getting by with a new bottle opener for beers and a pack of smokes folded into its sleeve?
One says they should rebuild.
The other would wear the battle scar as a permanent mark of honour.
It's not my call.
What do you say?
The memories of the dead heroes live on in their parents, siblings and children.
On September 11th 2001, New York had its two front teeth knocked out by a sucker punch which has led to years of brawling, pussyfoot brawling which has changed two entire countries and encouraged Arabs to see that it doesn't have to be that way.
But what is New York?
Is it the symbol of Americanism, the Americanism that means it has to go out to the orthodontist and get those teeth fixed by two crowns, or bridgework; or is New York the grizzled old boxer that would laugh at the thought of new teeth, getting by with a new bottle opener for beers and a pack of smokes folded into its sleeve?
One says they should rebuild.
The other would wear the battle scar as a permanent mark of honour.
It's not my call.
What do you say?
Monday, 2 May 2011
Victory Is Assured.
Why did I already know Obama will win in 2012?
Well I don't know, but I am quite sure; and the reason is this:
There is so much hatred of Obama, and it is so irrationally persistent, that one can only conclude that the noise is due to an underlying bigotry.
People hate Obama in spite of what he does, not because.
I think he is a piss-poor president. But when he gets it right, boy, does he get it right.
And he deserves credit; what I see is the spectacle of people twisting inside out like that snake on my lawn this afternoon, in their efforts to deny that anything good could even have happened, let alone that Obama was responsible.
This is just bigotry.
"I'm not a racialist, but....."
Yeah, right.
Well here is the news for 2012; the majority of Americans may be many things. They may be overweight. They may be overworked. They may be easily fooled. But they don't like bigots.
And that is why I think that his critics have injured their cause, fatally, and he will return in 2012 for a second term.
Well I don't know, but I am quite sure; and the reason is this:
There is so much hatred of Obama, and it is so irrationally persistent, that one can only conclude that the noise is due to an underlying bigotry.
People hate Obama in spite of what he does, not because.
I think he is a piss-poor president. But when he gets it right, boy, does he get it right.
And he deserves credit; what I see is the spectacle of people twisting inside out like that snake on my lawn this afternoon, in their efforts to deny that anything good could even have happened, let alone that Obama was responsible.
This is just bigotry.
"I'm not a racialist, but....."
Yeah, right.
Well here is the news for 2012; the majority of Americans may be many things. They may be overweight. They may be overworked. They may be easily fooled. But they don't like bigots.
And that is why I think that his critics have injured their cause, fatally, and he will return in 2012 for a second term.
What the?
I never thought I would say this, but Job Done! Well done President Obama.
Kudos to the max!
Kudos to the max!
Friday, 29 April 2011
Ubuntu 11.04
Ubuntu has just killed my system for the last time.
If they can't be bothered, I can't be bothered.
I'll find an alternative; if they are no bloody good either, I'll pay for Windows 7.
Ubuntu is free.
So is Small Pox.
So is Syphillis.
So is death.
If they can't be bothered, I can't be bothered.
I'll find an alternative; if they are no bloody good either, I'll pay for Windows 7.
Ubuntu is free.
So is Small Pox.
So is Syphillis.
So is death.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Secrecy and Lies
Why don't remote controls supplied in the last three years work properly?
Can anyone tell me why?
Why don't remote controls supplied in the last three years work properly?
Can anyone tell me why?
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Friday, 11 March 2011
Divine Intervention.
The Pope said he was 'deeply saddened' by the earthquake in Japan.
He added, "Let's face it. God is a total putz."
He failed to comment about the events in Libya, involving as they do matters of good and evil rather than raw suffering, and thereby managed to ignore several centuries of Catholic thinking, starting with Thomas Aquinas.
Essentially this would regard mass murder and imposition of an evil regime as insufferable sins against the Godliness of man as created in the image, and Man as an entity in God's creation which posseses attributes such as Freedom and Choice and Dignity above and apart from anything granted by other men.
That's Christianity.
I'm not a Christian.
But it's not that wrong.
He added, "Let's face it. God is a total putz."
He failed to comment about the events in Libya, involving as they do matters of good and evil rather than raw suffering, and thereby managed to ignore several centuries of Catholic thinking, starting with Thomas Aquinas.
Essentially this would regard mass murder and imposition of an evil regime as insufferable sins against the Godliness of man as created in the image, and Man as an entity in God's creation which posseses attributes such as Freedom and Choice and Dignity above and apart from anything granted by other men.
That's Christianity.
I'm not a Christian.
But it's not that wrong.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Meanwhile, Back In Libya....
So now things are becoming clearer;
the stinking bastards who rule the 'West' have made some noises.
But they kind of like Gaddafi, he is a 'safe pair of hands'.
And there is precious little evidence of anything seriously bad happening; sure, the folks in Benghazi got a little upset, but Gaddafi is making promises.
Maybe these people should 'be reasonable'.
And as the tanks roll, and battles take place where journalists are forbidden, which is basically where the news is, then everybody in the world will simple suck it up as freedom is destroyed before it gets dangerous, and the 'Old Man' learns his lesson.
Everybody happy.
Gaddafi gets to stay, Obama's talk remains cheap and is forgotten over a beer at the Whitehouse, the Europeans go back to being terrified, and the ogre of Freedom is caged again.
Strong government in Libya once more, the amnesty quietly forgotten as thousands more are murdered, but in their beds, now that they know we won't help, and we can all sleep sounder knowing that a couple of men making printer cartridge bombs are being held at bay by second-hand genocide.
Never mind the eye-witnesses. There's no evidence, and where are they now? Why, they're never around when you need them.
Not that we do.
And aren't they just like our rulers, pigs at the troughs?
the stinking bastards who rule the 'West' have made some noises.
But they kind of like Gaddafi, he is a 'safe pair of hands'.
And there is precious little evidence of anything seriously bad happening; sure, the folks in Benghazi got a little upset, but Gaddafi is making promises.
Maybe these people should 'be reasonable'.
And as the tanks roll, and battles take place where journalists are forbidden, which is basically where the news is, then everybody in the world will simple suck it up as freedom is destroyed before it gets dangerous, and the 'Old Man' learns his lesson.
Everybody happy.
Gaddafi gets to stay, Obama's talk remains cheap and is forgotten over a beer at the Whitehouse, the Europeans go back to being terrified, and the ogre of Freedom is caged again.
Strong government in Libya once more, the amnesty quietly forgotten as thousands more are murdered, but in their beds, now that they know we won't help, and we can all sleep sounder knowing that a couple of men making printer cartridge bombs are being held at bay by second-hand genocide.
Never mind the eye-witnesses. There's no evidence, and where are they now? Why, they're never around when you need them.
Not that we do.
And aren't they just like our rulers, pigs at the troughs?
Sunday, 27 February 2011
The End Is Nigh!
The latest Sky News report on Libya shows apparent conflicting support pro and contra Gaddafi.
The pro Gaddafi footage is likely five years old, as the demonstrators are bearing signs saying '36' on them.
If this is being broadcast by Libyan TV then they can't even venture onto the streets any longer or organise a public rally.
The Nazis used Dieppe Raid footage in a similar way to dupe the folks back home into thinking D-Day was no big deal in 1944.
If this is what is happening now, then they are in serious trouble, and it won't be long.
The pro Gaddafi footage is likely five years old, as the demonstrators are bearing signs saying '36' on them.
If this is being broadcast by Libyan TV then they can't even venture onto the streets any longer or organise a public rally.
The Nazis used Dieppe Raid footage in a similar way to dupe the folks back home into thinking D-Day was no big deal in 1944.
If this is what is happening now, then they are in serious trouble, and it won't be long.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Hacking Kdenlive.
This is quite a good one, and not too difficult.
When 'wiping' in or out with Kdenlive, there is a considerable choice of standard wipe patterns, in .pgm or .png grayscale images.
You can choose from the list.
What if you want to expand the list?
Load any photo you like into Gimp, and convert it to a pgm.
Open a file manager as root, and add the new file to /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdenlive/lumas.
Then start or restart Kdenlive; your new wipe image will be in the list.
And the wipe system will use it.
When 'wiping' in or out with Kdenlive, there is a considerable choice of standard wipe patterns, in .pgm or .png grayscale images.
You can choose from the list.
What if you want to expand the list?
Load any photo you like into Gimp, and convert it to a pgm.
Open a file manager as root, and add the new file to /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdenlive/lumas.
Then start or restart Kdenlive; your new wipe image will be in the list.
And the wipe system will use it.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
'Politics' is the word which describes the external constraints on behaviour in a society of men.
These are enacted by laws and practised by the application of force.
Politics can only restrain. Any attempt to force a particular action to happen is illogical, since this would mean a political attempt to force actions, which should be determined by Ethics.
Politics and Ethics cannot be interchangeable, they are two discreet, distinct and consistent concepts, one purely to restrain behaviour in a social context, the other a more general system of positive behavioral edicts which applies in both cases, social or not social.
It is the job of Politics to maintain the social validity and separation of all ethical systems by preventing any conflicts of physical action from arising.
This leads inevitably to the recognition of certain commonalities in behaviour which must apply to all ethical systems.
Thus, Politics is a science which enforces Metaphysical coherence in the social context, whether or not the constituent ethical systems of a society are objective enough to include metaphysical fidelity.
A political party is the crudest and least effective political organisation that there is, seeking as it does to harness numerical mass via the sacrifice of its constituents' ethical systems on the basis of crude commonality in a few areas.
On the other hand, a business or company is also a political organisation, but an ethical one, which, instead of concentrating on common inessentials, concentrates on a few, purposeful activities which serve to produce material wealth for all of its members. Each membership is freely chosen through individual value judgment, and the wealth is distributed among the members according to the material wealth each produces.
The distributive process is delayed if anything other than free bargaining is applied, but when allowed to function, this process reflects the priorities of the business function and permits people to judge for themselves whether there is a good living to be made from a particular activity.
However, a business, as a political association which is free, realises a set of Ethics and lasts only as long as its particular physical activities are of value, is effective and efficient in ways which political parties are not.
The problem is that parties are mistakenly regarded as effective and productive entities in themselves, when in fact they never can be. They are only social, and have no metaphysical function, which means that insofar as they attempt to violate political generality, they aren't even political parties, only criminal gangs.
These are enacted by laws and practised by the application of force.
Politics can only restrain. Any attempt to force a particular action to happen is illogical, since this would mean a political attempt to force actions, which should be determined by Ethics.
Politics and Ethics cannot be interchangeable, they are two discreet, distinct and consistent concepts, one purely to restrain behaviour in a social context, the other a more general system of positive behavioral edicts which applies in both cases, social or not social.
It is the job of Politics to maintain the social validity and separation of all ethical systems by preventing any conflicts of physical action from arising.
This leads inevitably to the recognition of certain commonalities in behaviour which must apply to all ethical systems.
Thus, Politics is a science which enforces Metaphysical coherence in the social context, whether or not the constituent ethical systems of a society are objective enough to include metaphysical fidelity.
A political party is the crudest and least effective political organisation that there is, seeking as it does to harness numerical mass via the sacrifice of its constituents' ethical systems on the basis of crude commonality in a few areas.
On the other hand, a business or company is also a political organisation, but an ethical one, which, instead of concentrating on common inessentials, concentrates on a few, purposeful activities which serve to produce material wealth for all of its members. Each membership is freely chosen through individual value judgment, and the wealth is distributed among the members according to the material wealth each produces.
The distributive process is delayed if anything other than free bargaining is applied, but when allowed to function, this process reflects the priorities of the business function and permits people to judge for themselves whether there is a good living to be made from a particular activity.
However, a business, as a political association which is free, realises a set of Ethics and lasts only as long as its particular physical activities are of value, is effective and efficient in ways which political parties are not.
The problem is that parties are mistakenly regarded as effective and productive entities in themselves, when in fact they never can be. They are only social, and have no metaphysical function, which means that insofar as they attempt to violate political generality, they aren't even political parties, only criminal gangs.
Friday, 14 January 2011
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Or...Old School.
Friend of mine just launched a blistering attack on the 'heirs' of Ayn Rand.
Of course, as reported here five years ago, the copies of 'Atlas Shrugged' without revisionist introductions were selling at a premium to those more recently produced.
My guess is that they are no longer available, and the age when Ayn Rand held sway over her own work is passing, to be replaced by the mean-scaled repute of people who lack the self-respect required to reject any inherited credit for works with which they had nothing to do.
If I was Ayn's 'intellectual heir', I would have shut my damn mouth and allowed the work to speak for itself.
Of course, as reported here five years ago, the copies of 'Atlas Shrugged' without revisionist introductions were selling at a premium to those more recently produced.
My guess is that they are no longer available, and the age when Ayn Rand held sway over her own work is passing, to be replaced by the mean-scaled repute of people who lack the self-respect required to reject any inherited credit for works with which they had nothing to do.
If I was Ayn's 'intellectual heir', I would have shut my damn mouth and allowed the work to speak for itself.
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