Monday, 21 November 2011

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Englitz - Land Of Contrasts

Back in the 80's the joke I heard from a Canadian was this:
What's the difference between an Englishman and his photograph?
A: The photograph is developed.

The traditional rite of passage for the twenty-five year-old English child is to seek out the adults in the social environment - adults of any age - and destroy them mentally and emotionally.

They think it's possible to do this by pretending to cough, pretending to smile, and, well, just pretending.
They think the potential irritation they represent is both potent and worth the total sacrifice of their retarded mentalities, sacrifice to the cause of surrender to misery.

When they fail to impose their misery on the adults, they become unhinged, doubling and redoubling their pathetic grunting noises like subnormal Chimpanzees getting over-excited by a banana they can't reach.
And the more they try, the further away the banana gets. But they keep on trying, like the lunatic who expects a different result from repetition of the same act over and over again, or the hydrophobic who finds himself in suddenly deeper and deeper water yet refuses to swim.

The limit of their ambition is to insinuate themselves into some sort of middle position, from where they can drag the overall effort down while hiding behind an entirely imaginary eight-ball. They are particularly attracted to non-jobs or jobs which are imposed on the real producers by legal requirement, which explains why they are tolerated and appear, quite incredibly, to prosper personally, while the real workers of the world, from the floor sweepers to the research directors are obliged to count pennies and use coupons and discount stores.

In this aim they are supported by armies of political non-entities mired in servitude to the principal belief that objectivity means getting absolute right and absolute wrong to meet in the middle of a committee or a football field and cease to be identifiable.
This foggy environment is one they need to (dis)function, and their apparent prosperity only serves to validate their cowardice and help them simulate the appearance of good sense, by which their lying can be proclaimed as wisdom, and their hatred as concern for well being.

Of course, when this culture meets the rest of the world, a barrage of bigotry is required to bolster their shaken illusions. They don't actually have any self-confidence capable of withstanding challenge, which is why they are so aggressive toward contrasts.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Bring Out Your Dead.

The Occupy protesters are simply flesh that occupies shoes and clothes in a passing nod to doing things that 'people' do.
They are non-entities whose sole esteem comes from piggy-backing off supposed notions of humanity in order to twist arms and minds into belief that they are relevant to our lives.
They flaunt their utter lack of purpose and self-respect in our faces in some insane presumption of exchange in which we are intended to react with guilt.
I'll say it again.
Their shame is supposed to make us guilty.
It only works if we feel guilty that we have witnessed such disgusting self degradation from alleged humans.

Thursday, 10 November 2011


Clonezilla used to be a superb duplication and imaging utility; in version 1.19, it has changed to a random disk destroyer.
It isn't fussy.
It will destroy your source disk as easily as destination.

A more appropriate name would be Clownzilla.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Your Humble Servants Resurgent.

At the turn of the century I went for an interview with Qinetic at Malvern Hill, Worcester.

They were allegedly looking for project managers; at the interview they made remarks like:
"You don't have much experience really, do you?" and "Have you ever managed a project that actually succeeded?"
Questions like that are generally useful to help scum trash your record, competence and ability in their own minds, specifically to save them from thinking about why they don't like you.

I didn't get the job.

In 2005, Qinetic and another company which I don't recall, liked my (patented) idea so much that they entered into a collaboration with OwlMed, which had sacked me shortly after I attempted to defend the rights of a co-inventor.

I wrote to the heads of both companies, explaining that as a named inventor on the patents, I was disputing the IP rights with OwlMed.

Qinetic ignored me. The other company wised up and dropped its links with OwlMed.

The head of OwlMed, Mr. G Alban Davies instructed his solicitors to write to me threatening legal action and demanding money and my silence. Demanding money with menaces anyone? Oh dear oh dear.

I would like to thank Qinetic for their honesty and integrity, and state that they are definitely not a bunch of ex-civil servants who think it a jolly good wheeze to support dubiously acquired IP portfolios in the classic manner of the 'little men', the mediocrities, that Sir Frederick Handley-Page spoke of on his death bed.
No sir.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Winters Past

Back in 1985 I was the site labourer on a construction project at the NatWest Bank credit card centre in East London.
One day I showed up when the snows came.
Snow was a rare event in London in those days, and nobody else appeared; no supervisor, no Roger(the geezer that oiled all the essential wheels), just me.

Apparently Londoners thought a bit of snow meant the day off.

The building work was on the roof.
I went up, and the snow was white and as absorbent as a soundproof wall; I stood and listened to the silence and more snow fell.

When I got cold I went into a room we used for storage. The fifties-vintage central heating pumped heat into the oversize radiator in this little room day and night, and it was positively steamy.

Eventually lunch came around and they rang and told me to go home. But I remember the bankers. They were friendly, sympathetic and enthusiastic. Nice people.