Friday, 22 July 2011

Hell Is Coming

Ever thought about the real meaning of these new UAV's?

I mean the miniature ones, the ones the size of Humming Birds. When I was a kid, I could walk out of the door and be out of sight and out of mind for hours at a time. I could stroll along country lanes and keep away, go through fields and woods, catch Water Beetles and frogs, and enjoy the privacy of being alone and ignored in the world.

We are now headed for a world worse than George Orwell's '1984'; at least there they could run to the country and actually find a safe place for a few hours.
Now, everywhere will be accessible to some bastard with a joystick and the desire to be a voyeur, presumably working for the government because this would 'protect our rights' in some sense.

We will be under siege in homes which can be invaded by men in uniform at a moment's notice, and when we are there it will be known that we are there. Because if we were anywhere else, they could see us.
Rescue? Of course. Equip the bloody machines with heat seekers and recognition, and they will find us night or day, wherever we are, even and especially if we take to the wildernesses as our last refuge.

Time to develop measures.

Time to develop tech that fries these little monstrosities.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Velcome To Englitz!

For you ze var is over!
England. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, England couldn't get enough of the world. English people went on to great success everywhere, and brought the wealth of the world back to England.
Then, in the sixties, England faced a new challenge.
The 'Brain Drain'.

The English simply weren't coming back.

So, rather than address the problem of why, the status quotient decided to address the problem of how.

And so, in a fairly secret way, that lethargy which appeases the urge to survival was harnessed and amplified a thousand-fold, by all and any means, by television, radio, the 'man in the street', the (cover up) news, the dramas.

This lie has always been most obvious under Labour governments; the very people that caused the Brain Drain in the first place.
The last incarnation of the fly-paper drivel was 'Cool Britannia'. This persists through to the Olympics next year, which is the attempt to stretch the fiction onwards for another few years.

All of this is designed to make the despairing masses believe that just enough crumbs are falling from the high table to make their continued confinement bearable for a few more years, until it is too late to do anything.

Thus England ceases to project all over the world, and instead trumpets all over the world in a vain effort to influence those who suspect there is nothing more to England than an open prison, made with walls of ignorance so thick that it takes years for people to dig their way out to freedom.

Let's face it; if you can build prisons in people's minds, then steel gates aren't needed.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Final Demand.

The key to Capitalism is property; if you don't want to move your farmstead, and the biggest corporation is trying to buy your land, there is nothing they can do.
They can make demands; they can park a neighbouring speaker stack to play 'please, please, pretty please' messages all night; they can offer you larger and larger amounts of money.

They can apply pressure by buying the water and power companies out from under you. They can attempt to persuade you with every step you take.
There are many forms of coercion, subornment and pressure that can be applied short of confiscation.

A man of steel can resist, and hold onto the reality of his property.

But in Britain, there is no such safety. And there are people who will apply the pressure to people with nothing, absolutely nothing, simply because their peace of mind or spirit is something detestable to these powered and moneyed vermin, something to be 'robbed', ie destroyed, simply for amusement.
They will pursue individuals for years, decades, artistically creating worlds of sadistic meaning in the undercurrents of everyday life, solely to destroy.

Knowing that their victims have no money, they will arrange for messages telling them to disclose their assets, their 'large' assets, simply to taunt.
They do it in public, in detail, in groups, to suppress all forms of dissent under the threat of being utterly wasted, all to ensure that the ruled remain ruled.

This truth is evident in the manic, grit-toothed laughter and brawling on Saturday nights in British towns, and is the destruction, to somebody's order, of all resistance.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Stop Press!

"Assholes crash YouTube."
But don't expect to read or hear about it for a while; YouTube isn't 'Real' media.
Such as The News Of The World.
Yeah, the 'news' papers love talking to and about themselves and their clients in the various governments, but talk about news, actual, hard, news, and you may as well talk to a brick wall.

The internet? That's a funny place where kids mysteriously gather and make money.
But it won't last.
Rag-paper is where the future is.
I swear I heard the BBC radio talking about what the 'news consensus' was today.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

English People Don't Need Asylum, But...

Back in 1999, I was off on my first serious trip to Canada; I was anxious to leave the country for a while, anxious because I was dying on my feet in this god-forsaken, dream-killing, conformity prison.
I'd been released from all treatment by chemical cosh, and the first thing I did was get the hell out.
At Leeds co-op, they suddenly ran out of travel insurance, so it cost extra to arrange that(legal requirement to entry); at Manchester, there was the usual old man in the corner murmuring "So it's Canada then!"
Then, sitting on the plane (a 'Royal' A320) the British security people came on board to check my passport. Only mine.
But, they let me go. The law apparently protects citizens to some extent.
I got to Canada.
I was taken aside by the border officials. A guy asked me questions. Then, because he was Canadian, (and therefore Human), he saw my camera and said "If you're going to take pictures, you should take a trip to Niagara. It's really beautiful this time of year!" He even smiled.
And I was let go into big, warm, Toronto.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Strictly Without Prejudice

Anybody who saw the Strauss-Kahn rape victim's lawyer Kenneth Thompson making his speech yesterday won't be surprised if they have any knowledge of how the international-political caucus works.
The tendrils of individual perversion dangle from the very top of society, into conveniently located docks where any corruption can be expressed for the mere passage of money.

Various places are hot at different times; they might be a hotel, or a conveniently located nightclub. They will absorb and feed off the refugees stuck between misery and hope, the people who fall through the cracks, who are exploited ruthlessly by drug dealers, pimps, thugs and those rich, powerful life-forms who deign to be the criminal's protectors.
The mechanisms by which kids as young as 17 or 18 are suborned into the engine which feeds the corruption above are slick, well-practised and competitive; after all, illegal human flesh is a commodity.

Sometimes you can stand in their way, throw a spanner in the works, but I don't recommend doing it without friends in high - and low - places.
What I see is the international, political-ish establishment, protecting one of their own from the teeth of the US Justice Department.
I see a textbook example of the downtrodden being abused by men of 'honour' who have suddenly discovered that they are 'respectable' while the victim is not.

The land of the free, which asked the world to bring their poor, tired and downtrodden, has discovered liberal snobbery can work wonders when buying influence among the stinking corruption of world politics. It's no accident the victim's reputation was assassinated in the New York Times, giving aid and succour to the despicable for decades past.
That slag, Strauss-Kahn, deserves a fucking kicking. If he doesn't get to prison, I hope somebody, somewhere, gives it to him.