Monday, 30 August 2010

For What?

Every evil has a point of delivery.
Every evil has a point of origin.

When evil comes seeking you out, from a variety of sources, and at various times, but producing the same effects over and again, you can triangulate.

You can see what launched the attacks. Or at least deduce the source.

And this leads me to ask this: did hundreds of thousands of people go to war to kill thousands of foreigners, simply because the sororities, the fraternities, the societies behind American society, decided that furtherance of American conquest and the need for 'healthy' bloodletting required it?

I think so.

And I think that they found a natural ally in the public school-educated rulers of the British allotment.

On The Other Hand....

On the other hand I just finished working for a bloke who went out of business owing me £1500.
I really have no hard feelings about that.
This guy was more of a friend than a boss, and I received nothing but encouragement and was able to learn loads of new skills and enjoy my work.

I really don't mind if good old 'JB' can never pay me, because although it would be nice, he really did risk everything, was not vicious, did not lie to me, and when he lost everything, and I do mean everything, we shook hands, he signed my papers, gave me a reference and let me take one of the desk-lamps I'd always wanted.
Thoroughly good egg.

Sunday, 29 August 2010

But Seriously.....

I was named on a patent or two for an invention which used a Piezo-electric sensor to monitor the heart from an implanted valve.
The guy who actually suggested putting a chip on an implant was removed from the (European) patents, but he's still on the American.

The patent owner put together a business plan in which I was personally guaranteed a percentage of the gross. The person he removed was promised a large percentage.

Towards the end the owner mentioned a smaller and smaller percentage for me, and when I mentioned that this was actually the other guy's idea, the guy he wanted to remove completely, I was made redundant within two weeks.

After I left, the creep kept trying to get me to sign further rights away, as if I owed him something. Actually he owed me several thousand pounds.

So I went to an industrial tribunal and got it.

Then he scoured the old 'Society Matters' page for potential leverage via any comments I had made, and tried to threaten Paul McKeever and I with legal action.

I still wouldn't sign his bloody papers. And I sent back his £10 cheque which was supposed to secure the rights to my invention(illegally, as it was the condition for keeping my job, a part of the bargain he had already violated).

I said the rights were disputed and was ignored.

He made arrangements with two tech companies in the UK to exploit the technology.
I found this out with a little counter-stalking.

I wrote to them telling them that as an inventor I was disputing ownership of the technology; the government partner ignored me.
The commercial partner dropped him like a hot brick.

Anyway, this loony liked to do things at Christmas or on my birthday, so he wrote on Christmas saying I was not to mention anything on the internet or write to people ever again or......
he would sue me.

He then demanded that I pay his legal bill.

I told him he was nuts ("the suggestion utterly fantastic") and ignored him.

But you've just got to love the 'sunk my battleship' moment!

Of Cabbages And Twits.

There was an old joker called Alban,
Who wasn't as nice as the Taliban,
When he ran out of money,
He business was phoney,
And he wouldn't partake of his medicine.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Don't Ya Just Love It?

Somebody is tucking me in. Yesterday 'analytics' showed a day-old visit to my website by Tel Aviv. Today, the data is gone.
How many more visitors are 'disappearing'?
More importantly, how many of them are trying to contact me and being bounced?

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Iran? So what?

Bush let the genie out of the bottle, and now we have been hitting the bottle for 9 years.

The genie of war.
Rather than put the stopper back in and remember the attitudes of our elders and the hard lessons they learned, we are looking for a new drunk to beat up in the name of 'international law' and 'self defence'.

When Jack-The-Hat McVitie, an East End gangster, repeatedly got stoked on alcohol and threatened to kill the Cray Brothers, back in the early 60's, they killed him.

They were imprisoned for the rest of their natural lives. They died in prison.
Now we have a gangster in Iran shooting off drivel like a drunk who can't help himself, and from all sides I hear people saying we should bomb Iran because they could have a nuclear weapon in a year.

As usual Moronic Media and the think tanks and the retired spooks and generals are jibbering like Turkeys about Iran preparing for war while Rome burns in the West.

Let's face this - in the 50's our parents built enough weapons to render the real evil of the Soviet Union a mere inconvenience, an after thought which the vast majority of people were able to ignore while happily getting on with their lives.

They had courage. They had phlegm. They didn't run about like Chicken Little because a bunch of single-browed towel heads staggered to within 60 years of the present day with joke weapons and tons of Russian help.

They have started to fuel up a single nuclear reactor, with massive aid from Russia. Eventuallly they will be able to build one bomb a year with the enriched fuel, assuming they are capable; they have rockets. These rockets cannot lift first generation bombs any great distance.

They have the 'Ambassador of Death' , a crude UAV that looks like a Nazi glider bomb, but is less effective, as it carries a single, small, Iron Bomb, which will miss it's target and make the UAV (which is slow) appear huge on radar, as well as killing range with drag. I mean come on, it looks like something a three year old drew.

Welcome the Iranian nation to the early fifties. Meanwhile, in the 21st century if we are really worried, we can build the Missile Defence Shield, or just rely on being able to wipe Iran off the face of the Earth if they try something.

All this weak-bladdered knicker-twisting does is make the Iranians believe they're own bullshit.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Excerpt From "The Hunters"

Arthur Straw strolled quietly down the pedestrian street. He was not exactly tall, not exactly broad, but there was about him the air of potential violence, a frame that moved fluidly and not in any way identifiable with any of the usual traits.

In fact it was this that led to trouble – as it always did – whether or not Arthur gave a damn. Which he usually didn’t.

His face was violent only in its calmness, and his eyes roved sardonically from incident to incident with barely a flicker of interest.

He had a scar above his left eye, a small scar that told little of the fury that had caused it.

As he walked down the street, he saw the local neighbourhood kids standing outside one of the doors.

He liked them. They’d asked him his name and made friends with him. On the way back from the Chinese take-away the other night, they’d showered him with their water pistol while screeching with delight.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Friday, 6 August 2010


Lethal Weapon is on tonight.
And I am recalling just what a good film it is.
At the time it was made, I was built like Mel Gibson.
And experiencing a few of those things.
It's a film which is often mocked. But the truth is, the original 'Lethal Weapon' was a superb, well-made and honest action adventure with the ring of truth to it.

Lest we forget.